Sommaire des documents reçus à la bibliothèque
November 2023
The bulk of this month’s issue consists of the Rare Breeding Birds Panel’s report on rare breeding birds in the UK in 2021. It’s the 48th such report to appear in BB and is published 50 years after the inception of the Panel. A lot has changed with Britain’s breeding avifauna since the first report was published in 1975, and there are a few striking statistics in this month’s report.
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Ornithos, sept.-oct., 30-5
Ornithologie et influenza aviaire hautement pathogène (IAHP)

Première nidification du Faucon kobez dans l'Hérault et en Occitanie en 2023 -
Recommandés :

Trophic cascades help restore vegetation

Herbivores and their predators have a major impact on restoration outcomes

Water scarcity is exacerbated in the south

The Southern Hemisphere has experienced a 20% drop in water availability in 20 years

- Lawsuits force changes in U.S. pesticide regs, Erik Stokstad, 02 Nov 2023: 498-499 : EPA is drawing up new rules for farmers, but some worry the science isn’t ready;
- Scientists clash over ‘positionality statements’, Rachel Zamzow, 02 Nov 2023: 501 : In a growing practice, researchers are adding descriptions of their identities to their papers;
- Shore patrol, April Reese, 02 Nov 2023: 505-507 : Researchers are ringing the Atlantic with hundreds of sensors in a bid to track how ocean warming is affecting coastal ecosystems

Recommandés :

- After the flood, Warren Cornwall, 19 Oct 2023: 254-259 : As the world's largest dam removal takes shape, restoration ecologists are poised to transform a landscape;

- Periodical cicadas disrupt forest food webs, D. Parker, 19 Oct 2023: 268 : Mass cicada emergence satiates birds and makes trees vulnerable to insects;

- Agriculture and hot temperatures interactively erode the nest success of habitat generalist birds across the United States, Katherine S. Lauck et al.,19 Oct 2023: 290-294 : Maximum temperature extremes reduce bird reproductive success across the US in agricultural lands but not in forests.

Le Courrier de la Nature n°338 - OCTOBRE 2023 | SNPN : Société Nationale de Protection de la Nature
Pour sauver le mystérieux oiseau des roselières, le butor étoilé (Botaurus stellaris), un nouveau Plan national d’action va être mis en oeuvre en France.

Camargue : Suivi de la dynamique des herbiers de l’étang du Vaccarès

Dossier thématique : Le réensauvagement Marc Michelot, président de l'ARTHEN (Association pour le retour des grands herbivores dans les espaces naturels) et François Moutou, vice-président de la SNPN
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