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Science 379 (6636)
Experimental virology can inform strategic monitoring for new viruses in humans

Deep-sea impacts of climate interventions Ocean manipulation to mitigate climate change may harm deep-sea ecosystems
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Science 379 (6635), 3 March 2023
Ecosystem-based management outperforms species-focused stocking for enhancing fish populations Habitat creation in lakes leads to higher fish abundance than the common practice of simply stocking lakes with fish.

A 100-million-year simulation of Earth’s surface evolution clarifies the role of sediment transfer and accumulation on a global scale.

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DO-G: Inhalte online
Alle Ausgaben der Vogelwarte sind hier online verfügbar.
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Ornithologischer Beobachter.120,( 1), März 2023
Martin Weggler: [Waseverything better in the past? A review of changes in distributional area and population size of Swiss breeding birds 1950–2020]

Based on data from four atlas projects and the Swiss Bird Index®, the changes in the distribution and population of breeding birds in Switzerland are summarised for all breeding bird species. For the three and seven decades (1990-2020 and 1950-2016, respectively), the species with a positive range or population trend clearly outnumber the others. This finding does not correspond to a frequently expressed assessment that the "bird world" in Switzerland has never been as bad as it is today. Possible reasons for the discrepancy are discussed
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DOF BirdLife - 117 (1), 2023

Sex, age and site fidelity as determining factors of productivity in a confined community of Common Whitethroat
22 - 36

Displacement experiments in night migrating passerines
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