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Science, 381(6659)

Create a culture of experiments in environmental programs

Organizations need a better “learning by doing” approach

Science, 381(6657)

Diverse sleep strategies at sea

Findings in marine mammals and birds provide opportunities to explore sleep’s functions

Delftia tsuruhatensis TC1 symbiont suppresses malaria transmission by anopheline mosquitoes

A naturally occurring bacterium of anopheline mosquitoes produces an alkaloid that arrests the development of co-occurring Plasmodium oocytes

Pervasive within-species spatial repulsion among adult tropical trees

Tropical trees distance themselves from members of the same species more than from other species and more than expected by chance.

Science, 381(6653)

Effect of climate warming on the timing of autumn leaf senescence reverses after the summer solstice

Early-season warming hastens onset and late-season warming extends duration of autumn leaf senescence in northern forests.

Science, 381(6656)

Language trees with sampled ancestors support a hybrid model for the origin of Indo-European languages

Indo-European languages emerged south of the Caucasus around 8300 years ago, followed by an expansion northward to the Steppe regions.

Science, 381(6655)

The precursory phase of large earthquakes

High-time-rate GPS time series have a precursor signal for large earthquake rupture starting approximately 2 hours beforehand.

Science, 380(6651)

Large herbivore diversity slows sea ice–associated decline in arctic tundra diversity

Data from a 15-year experiment show that large herbivores mitigate declines in arctic tundra diversity caused by loss of sea ice with warming.

Science, 380(6652)

Agricultural expansion raises groundwater and increases flooding in the South American plains

Converting plains to agriculture creates shallow water tables and increased flooding at the subcontinent scale.

Science 380(6649)

Behavioral responses of terrestrial mammals to COVID-19 lockdowns

GPS tracking of mammals over five continents shows how animal movements changed during COVID-19 lockdowns.

Limited climatic space for alternative ecosystem states in Africa

Field observations show that the distribution of African forest and savanna are highly predictable based on climate.